We are all the same: no way for us to leave home without any make up on, in the morning. We are obviously pretty au naturel - our nice bathroom mirror is there every morning to tell us so! - but with a little touch of make up, it is decidedly better ! So, in order not to upset our green attitude we opt for Couleur Caramel cosmetics. Whassat? A make up line from France which only offers organic and natural products. For our pleasure the collections are developed with all the respect due to nature! The brand offers a big choice of complexion products, eyes, mouth and hands. Besides textures and colours are top! Packagings are processed from recycled paper. And to limit the impact on the environment, the brand offers to keep your packaging and to only buy refills of eye shadows, blushers, powders and foundations. A real great-green idea!
Couleur Caramel products are available at Emmanuel F bio salon
Nexxus Building, Level 2, shop 211-213, 41 Connaught Road, Central, Hong Kong, (852) 2167 8280
Open from Monday to Saturday from 9 to 9 pm and Sunday from 11 to 8 pm