Hong Kong Madame - English

Let's board on a junk!

September 1st 2010

Let's board on a junk!
It is time to go back to work but beforehand let’s board on a junk! How good it is! The sun is there, friends and your friends' friends also! It is a good way to welcome newcomers and to meet new people! Don't forget your hat which will blow off, billions of sunscreen creams, your book that you won't read, but let’s admit that you will look good with it, and water! Yes, we said water!
What are we going to eat? Either everybody pitches in and each one brings something or if you are all in a Week-end-in-which-I-do-nothing mode you will agree to have food delivered before leaving the land. Jaspas can take care of it and does it pretty well! Where are we going? The best tour remains the one which leads you to the beautiful Tai Long Wan beach though. The junk stopped few breaststroke away from the warm sand. Then you dive and swim! It feels great before eating! What are we doing now? Well, laze around, chat, enjoy the view. Then, for the sporty ones, ride a wake board, do water skiing or the big banana pulled by a speed boat that you will have booked beforehand. Well, that's it! Go home at the sunset and get to the Hong Kong bay by night. Sheer Happiness!
Delivery on the boat : Jaspas, 28 Staunton Street (Shoho) Hong Kong

Tags : junk

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