You : Darling, I really fancy going to a restaurant where I can eat healthily for once…
Him : Nooo way ! I am not spending my evening sat in some girly eatery that serves nothing but veggies and tofu !
Does this seem familiar? For us, it’s pretty much impossible to get our men into an organic restaurant, so we normally save healthy eating sessions for lunch with friends instead. But now, thanks to Wild Grass, that might well be a thing of the past! The first new restaurant on Arbuthnot Road is bright and cosy at the same, so first impressions were really good (and this only gets better when you find out the dishes are lovingly created by a French chef!) We tried the Piri Piri prawns which was a really good sized portion for a starter, and next, we went for a vegetable risotto. Don’t worry, there are meaty options for the carnivores too! Wild Grass serves OBE organically sourced beef from Australia- which we’ve heard great things about and we really need to try next time! Foodies that we are, we couldn’t resist ending on a sweet note! The caramelised egg tart was simply divine! Our overall verdict? Wild Grass is the place to get healthy, full flavoured food in HK- go and taste for yourselves!
Wild Grass
1/F, 4-8 Arbuthnot Road, Central, Hong Kong, +852 2810 1189
Email: info@wildgrass.hk