© Just Green
Even if City Super and ThreeSixty offer various and excellent organic products, we advise you to try out new addresses more confidential where you will be able to soak up with fruits and vegetables offspring of biologic agriculture. Follow the guide to fill your basket with fresh products and organic certified! Located in Causeway Bay, Simply Organic offers a great selection of season fruits and vegetables coming from a local farm, The Organic Farm. Simply Organic also sells imported organic products such as pasta, noodles, eggs, etc. If you feel peckish take the time of a lunch at the Simply Organic café. Brunch possibilities on Sunday. Cooking workshops are also offered. At Organic Land, in Wan Chai, you will find seeds, cereals, herbs and bottled juice for most imported from Europe and Canada. Last suggested address : Just Green with two little shops : one in Central and the other one in Lamma Island. Just Green offers local farm fruits and veggies as well as organic milk, cheese and meat. Actual organic grocer's, Just Green offers a great selection of beauty products as well as products for babies, animals and your house. Enjoy your shopping!
Simply Organic / The Organic Farm
Organic Land
Simply Organic / The Organic Farm
Organic Land
Just Green