"Created by Catherine Seixo, an architect and designer from Bordeaux, BBK’s collection illustrates a universe uniquely dedicated to infants that takes its inspiration from children’s fashion from the beginning of the Century and decorative arts from the Thirties.
A classically elegant style associating subdued and refined forms with noble fabrics that have been selected for their quality: wool and velvet cotton for winter, poplin and linen for summer. A collection that has been designed and produced within the “French couture” traditions: comfortable and elegant cuts with neat finishings; the clothes are decorated with pretty braids and antique embroideries.”
Everything has been said! BBK’ creations are absolutely adorable. The brand’s universe is interesting and the products are remarkable. They already have shops in France and Japan, but not yet in Hong Kong. Don’t get all wound up about it though: they also sell online. So it’s ALL-GOOD-STUFF! We like the teddies (so cute) and the bibs (very original). The cloth shoes made our hearts melt! And we couldn’t resist the rompers! In summary, this is a website that will make a fair few ladies happy. Click on to it and discover BBK Creations’ magical world that is full of surprises.