It's not always easy to make the most of your holidays when you find yourselves back in the hotel with your little one asleep by 8pm at night. Even with a huge big suite, you're still limited to whispering in total darkness or reading by torchlight under the covers- not great holiday activities! Good news: if you want to go out to a few of the nearby hotel bars, you just need to download the baby phone app. Then, simply take a phone (with the app) out with you, and ensure that there's a phone (with the app) in the bedroom with your baby - - always plug it in to avoid the battery dying. Then if your baby cries, your phone will ring, and all you need to do is go back to your room. It's brilliant- and there are even additional options liking saving the sound of your voice. We tested it out and we fully approve. Happy holidays!
We recommend the app below, but there are lots of others to choose from:
We recommend the app below, but there are lots of others to choose from: