Hong Kong Madame - English

Bumps to Babe / Eugene Club: Heaven on earth for mums and parents-to-be

March 15th 2011

Bumps to Babe / Eugene Club: Heaven on earth for mums and parents-to-be
Dear Mums-to-be
As the months go by, your tummy is getting rounder and your baby will soon be here. It’s time to head out to the shops to pick up the essentials for your baby’s comfort as well as your own. Jot down a shopping list and take it to Eugene Club on Queen’s Road. There’s no need to run around 36 different shops. They’ll have everything you’ll ever need. Welcome to the largest shop in Hong Kong that specializes in baby care. They have over 200 000 items. It’s a real supermarket, dedicated to babies. Treasure Island! From necessities to nice-to-haves to small luxuries. Bottles, bibs, dummies, bedding, bags, prams, sleeping bags and cots… to name but a few! In summary, it’s the ideal place to go to before baby arrives. The downside? You’ll probably walk out of there will 2 baby carriers because you couldn’t make up your mind which one to take, 25 creams because they all smell so nice and what’s more, are organic, numerous onesies - “yes, they get dirty very quickly at that age”, and12 covers - who knows, one day there might be sub-zero temperatures in Hong Kong… We know a few gentlemen who might get short tempered at the checkout…
In the same style, “Bumps to Babes” perfectly complements “Eugene Club”. It’s another store that’s also located in Central. Perfect for little ones but also their elder siblings. They also have a small maternity wear section… Their shop in Ap Lei Chau is larger than the one in Central so it’s better stocked. Well worth the detour!
If you can’t find what you’re looking for in these two shops, then we may as well resign! 
Eugene Club Centre
4/F, Lane Crawford House, 70 Queen's Road, Central
(852) 2628 3777
To get the full list of shops go to: 
Bumps to Babe
Pedder Building Branch
5th Floor Pedder Building
12 Pedder Street, Central
(852) 2522 7112

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