Hong Kong Madame - English

Hoplababy: a great e-shop for parents (to be)

October 26th 2011

Hoplababy: a great e-shop for parents (to be)
Wouldn’t it just be wonderful to have a website dedicated to selling French baby care products? However much we like adventures and novelties, when it comes to our little ones we prefer to stick to the safe bets! Well all you have to do is ask! Petit Teraillon, Béaba, Babymoov are now available at the click of a mouse thanks to Hoplababy. Browse their website in order to discover their selection. The products are sorted by theme: feeding, bath, health, safety, activity, travel, gifts & deco and finally deals. The inevitable items are of course the Babycook and the plastic Béaba cutlery, the thermometer and bottle steriliser by Petit Teraillon as well as the travel bottle warmer and high chairs by Babymoov. You can even choose to sort by price or by brand. Delivery is free of charge for any orders over HKD800 – in other words for most of them! At the very least go and take a quick look:


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