By Vanessa, our fitness editor
Chances are you’ve already heard about Bikini Fit, as an outdoor women only hardcore fitness program, to make you amazing in your bikini (have a look at our previous feature). But the truth is that it’s much more than that…
Active women, busy mothers, successful entrepreneurs, we’re all different and stay fit is not easy. Knowing this, Bikini Fit offers a holistic approach, combining a structured training program with a comprehensive education and support system: everything you need to get into the best shape ever, regardless your fitness level or exerciser personality!
So how does the magic happen?
Yes… I said “magic”, not “miracle”!
You’ll have access to six 45 minute sessions a week: 4 boot camp sessions, one yoga class and your choice between yoga, hike, boxing and barbell club on Saturday; led by professional trainers (one for 5-6 members).
Not a morning person? Not anymore a problem: two timeslots are launched in the evening!
Professional tailor-made support
Monthly one-to-one consultations and daily private online Q&A will provide answers to your questions and personalized advice.
Weekly workshops will teach you a lot about nutrition, detox, goal setting, motivation tips etc.
Tips and tools to use in the kitchen
Healthy and yummy recipes will have no more secrets for you thanks to the live “Bikini Fit Kitchen” demonstrations and video webcasts.
A team of female allied health professionals
That includes a physiotherapist and doctor specializing in holistic health and nutritional medicine.
The support of an amazing community
As a faithful member, this was probably the less expected element and what won my loyalty the most: a community of likeminded and supportive women. Bikini Fit settled the online tools for this to happen: Facebook support group, Travel Workout group, Bikini Fit Kitchen group, YouTube channel.
Registration for the next program (from April 20th for 12 weeks) opens soon and there’s already a waiting list, so get in touch through info@bikinifit.com.hk or Bikini Fit Facebook page to secure your spot in the « Bikini Fit Mafia ».
3 locations and 9 timeslots:
HK$ 795 a week
Website: www.bikinifit.com.hk
Facebook: Bikini Fit - Hong Kong