By Lily
Benefit, the skin care and make-up brand has launched a new service « Get Glowing! » at its Stanley salon. In 30 minutes they promise to give you glowing skin.
Once at the salon, Esther will guide you into the space, and from there, you get to choose between four tanning solutions: healthy glow, light, medium and dark. At first I choose light but boldly switched to medium instead. In the tanning room, you are given disposable underwear, and all your things are kept in a bag and then you can start. Armed with a jet tanning pistol, Esther sprays the product carefully (using a Brazilian tanning brand, which came straight from New York ladies!). 15 minutes, and you are good to go. The results? A golden tan, and a successfully executed treatment, but you’ve got to wait another 10 minutes for the product to dry out. It is also best to come in clothes that are breathable and don’t stain easily (Note that I didn’t stain my own clothes, but it’s best not to take any risks).
Afterwards? You have to wait another 8 hours before taking a shower. So best to plan in advance, and exfoliate the day before as well. Be sure you dry out thoroughly before you leave the salon, even though it takes a while to do so, it’s still worth it.
The next day, I loved the results and was very satisfied with my beautiful tan. The tanning lotion has a mild but lovely scent and the treatment made me “shine” for 8 whole days. Aren’t you tempted?
As for the rates, the tanning service for your entire body costs HKD400, HKD250 for half and HKD150 for your face and bust only.
Before a night out or maybe when you head back to your hometown, to boost your appearance or simply give yourself a pick me up, I recommend the treatment. Will I be brave enough to try “dark” on my next visit?
Boutique (& Brow Bar)
Shop 201, Stanley Plaza, Stanley
Tel: 3621-0909 / Brow Bar: 3621-0909